Saturday, February 24, 2007

Another picture day. This time we went to Gas Works Park and then to the locks in Ballard. Unfortunately, it started raining as soon as we got to Gas Works.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Spring is on its way.

To me, this shot of the path looks like it is a miniature model, kind of a tilt-shift effect. I've thought about getting a Lensbabies lens to play with this type of effect, but they cost more than I want to spend.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Weekend Projects

My kids and I watched a podcast on trebuchets this weekend. My daughter thought it looked really interesting and wanted to use it as her science fair project. So we built one with stuff around the house. This trebuchet project on was very helpful.

While on we came across a project on stop action movies. The kids and I had recently seen this video from minilogue and the kids asked a lot of questions on how it was done. This project was perfect since all that is required is a camera, whiteboard and MonkeyJam. We each made a video: Shapes, Hotwheels, Rubiks

Here is a picture of our animation studio. To keep them from moving, the small whiteboard is taped to the floor and the camera is taped to the computer. I pulled in a floor lamp for extra light.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

I volunteered to help with the science fair at my kids' school. Part of that was to do a project and demo it at a school assembly. Our project was Popsicle Stick Structures, where we wanted to find out how much weight we could support with Popsicle sticks. Here is the aftermath.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The "small" dog is our 90lb. lab mix. The big dog is a great pyrenees that we are baby sitting. Notice how he sits on the counch.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I ran the Pigtails Run yesterday. I did the one lap event which was 9.6 miles. There was also a 19.2 mile event and a 50k event. I grabbed my camera after I finished and took pictures of other competitors as they were coming in to finish or to start their next lap. Below are some of my favorites. I ended up with about 225 pictures .

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Full moon

I took 19 shots of the moon and this was the best one. I had the camera set on aperture priority but all the shots were coming out over exposed. I tried increasing shutter speed, but even at 1/1000 it was overexposed. Then I went to manual and tried a shutter speed around 1/250 and cranked the aperture at various stops down to f22. This picture was at f18. It was shot at 300mm (485mm equiv) and is also cropped by a fair amount.
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